Our Winners

Congratulations! Way to go!
We are happy to share the success of our students again
In the Olympiad Exams conducted in 2020-21 by the Science Olympiad Foundation, two of our students have performed exceptionally well and have successfully bagged medals from among millions of students, over 48000 schools and spread across 48 countries.
In the 2020-21 International English Olympiad, Ira Loskar a student of Class XI(Bio Science) then, and presently in Class XII (Bio Science) is not only the School Topper, but has secured the 2nd Rank in Zonal Level (West Bengal Zone-2)and 21st Rank in International Level. She is awarded a Silver Medal for her achievement along with a Gift Voucher of Rs 1000/- and a Certificate of Zonal Excellence.
In the 2020-21 International Mathematics Olympiad, Soumyajit Bhattacharya of Class III then, and presently in Class IV, is not only the School Topper, but has secured the 17th Rank in Zonal Level (West Bengal Zone-2) and 19th Rank in the International Level. He is awarded a Medal of Distinction along with a Certificate of Distinction.
We Congratulate both of them and wish them a successful career ahead

Well versed!
It is indeed a time of happiness. Another feather added to our cap.
Tanisha Banerjee from Class 6A has secured the 3rd Position among 23 participants in her category in the Hindi Poem Recitation group in the Vertual Inter-school Hindi Feast KAUSHAL 2021 organized by the Ruby Park Public School, New Alipur Branch.
There were 67 participants altogether across different schools from West Bengal.
Her category was judged by Poet Sanjay Shukla . An eminent member of the Hindi Kavya Bebhag.
We are sharing the live performance video of Tanisha Banerjee for all to cherish the proud moment.
We hope our students will bring us many more proud moments in the days to come.

We congratulate all the winners who have made us proud
Our students took part in the Budding Genius Quiz Competition , a virtual National level quiz competition on General Knowledge and Current affairs organized by BCCI (Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry). More than 3500 registrations from 102 reputed institutions all over India took part.
The quiz consisted of three rounds –
Round 1- School level – 255 of our students had registered out of which 14 qualified for the Round 2
Round 2 – State level – 14 of our students took the quiz, out of which 4 qualified for the Round 3
Round 3 – National level – 4 of our students took the quiz, out of which 3 of them were placed as winners
Winning positions at the National level –
Class XI – XII category
1. Namrata Mondal, Class XII, Commerce, secured First position and the Gold medal
2. Bidushi Purkait, Class XII, Commerce, secured the Second position and Silver medal
Class VII-X Category-
1. Anirban Mondal, Class IX D, secured the Second position and Silver medal
We congratulate all the winners who have made us proud

We are proud to announce that our Class X B student Miss Kanishka Banerjee has qualified for the Kata nationals being organized by the Karate Association of India. She is West Bengal’s only representative in this competition. Kanishka, who belongs to the Mabuni Shithorya style of Karate, is participating in the 14-15 years Female Cadet category.

CBSE 2021 Class X Topper
We congratulate our students who have passed the CBSE 2021 Class X exams. Aratrika Mal with 97.2 per cent has topped the class. It is a proud moment for us. We wish all of them good luck for their future endeavours