President's Message

Dr. Partha Sarathi Ganguli President
Education in itself is an evolution and learning is a testimony to enlightenment. What makes the symbiosis between the two successes is happiness. From our very birth, we pursue happiness in many abstract forms as it cannot be embodied by a definite shape. When we materially pursue happiness, we form thoughts and use them to reach that goal. And yet, much as we try, everybody cannot cross milestones.
But some do. So I believe that if some can, why can’t I? It is this conviction we must have to find happiness for ourselves. My question here is: do we provide equal opportunities to be happy? The strongest pillar of modern society is democracy of knowledge. A democratic set-up might be perceived at the outset as salubrious to human development but that said, we need to be educated first to determine what is good for us. What will bring us closer to these goals, first and foremost, is an opportunity to get educated.
Therefore, equal opportunities must be created for all so that everybody can get educated and can determine what is right for them. Only then can we be happy because happiness generates a higher level of realization about what exactly makes someone happy. We at Jyotirmoy Schools believe in equal educational opportunities for all. All our efforts are geared towards providing that equitable environment in the modern ecosystem of education. I take this opportunity to invite all students, the members of the academia, teachers and all stakeholders to together rise to this noble calling and make this world a better place to live in.