Our Winners

Our Winners

Our Winners


“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.” – John Wooden

Millions of students from about 68000 schools spread across 48 countries appeared in the 7 Olympiad exams conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. We are happy to announce that Raitah Zain of Class XII Bio Science has secured 74th Rank Internationally in the International English Olympiad. We wish her the very best for her future.


“Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.”- Sydney Clemens

We are happy to announce that one of our student – Ramit Kayal of Class VII had been declared as the winner in Sound Wave (Junior) Category for Spotlight 2021-22 – a virtual talent search Competition organized by Artitude and FIITJEE amidst 7000 participants nation-wide

We wish him all the best for his future endeavours.


“Every artistic achievement is a victory over human inertia.”- Herbert Von Karajan

It gives us immense pleasure to announce that Jyotirmoy Public School has yet again secured third position in the online Art Exhibition organised by The Future Foundation School on the 2nd of February. Meghadri Sardar of class V stroked wonders with colours amongst 32 schools to depict the “Bounties of Nature”.

We commend him on his love for nature and wish him all the very best for his future endeavours.


Jyotirmoy Public School along with 14 renowned schools from all over the nation took part in the fun-filled cultural event, ‘Virasat- A Legacy’, a virtual Inter School Fest on the 1st and 2nd February, organised by DPS Howrah. It was a melange of events, which was full of fun and learning.

It gives us immense pleasure that Aradhya Pandit of Class III has bagged a Special Appreciation Award for the creative use of props in Kathakar – The Storyteller.

Such accolades motivate us to further nurture the Special talents in our children. We wish Aradhya more such achievements in the coming future.

Congratulations to you all…

It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that three students of Jyotirmoy Public School had participated in an Inter school Quiz competition ” JIGYASA” on ‘

Environmental Affairs’ organised by BBIT Public School on 1st of February, 2022 organised on the virtual platform.

You shall be happy to know our team comprising of Safalya Pal of Class VI, S.S.A Tanvir of Class VII and Rudra Narayan Mondal of Class VIII stood as the Second Runners Up amidst eighteen other Quiz teams from the renowned Schools in town.

We wish them all the very best for the near future.

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