News And Events

News And Events

  • Jyotirmoy Knowledge Park

Rediscover students just by their Handwriting

Graphology involves the various techniques developed over time that can peer into a subject’s mind by analyzing their penmanship. A few handwritten lines can be used to reach several conclusions about a subject, including factors like aggression, anxiety, creativity, introversion/ extroversion can benefit teachers to analyse their students better to improve the teaching learning experience.
A graphology workshop was organised on 6th of July ,for the teachers of Jyotirmoy Public School by the imminent members of LifeSkill academy- Mr. Avirup Patra , Graphology Trainer and Ms. Purbasha Ghosh , Counsellor who provided an insightful session which infused with depth into the minds of the teachers about personality traits, mindsets, and the techniques and knowledge.
We look forward to more such meaningful sessions in the coming future.


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