

How to plan your studies for the upcoming finals

Tue Oct 1 2024

The season for the final exams is fast approaching. As the best CBSE School in Kolkata we understand how tough it can be for students to deal with the stress that the exam season brings along. One of the aspects students tend to struggle the most with is time management. Creating study plans can help you overcome a lot of stress during these troubling times. All you need to make a comprehensive study plan are some sheets of paper, calendar and some coloured pens. Colour-coding the plans make them look appealing and distinct. As the best CBSE School of Kolkata, we have some pointers for you that can help you.

Note down your upcoming exams

On a piece of paper, note down the exams you have to take, leaving a few lines between each exam. You can use different coloured pens for each exam as it will help with clarity later. You can also number them according to the level of difficulty you feel, with maybe Maths as the most difficult and GK the least.

Divide each exam into units

In many cases, your study units will define themselves; for example, if you’ve gone over five chapters in your English class, then each of those chapters will be a study unit. Write these study units down below your exam titles in the sheet you noted down the exam names. Then assign each one a number according to difficulty for you, with 10 being the most difficult. These rankings will come in handy when you are working on your study plan.

Calculate and divide your units by days

Next, write down how many days you have for each upcoming exam. Now divide the units you have per day. For example, say if there are six days until your Maths exam, and five units for my Maths class, it would leave you with one day for each unit, plus an extra day for overall review.

Set your units in order

By studying harder material with high difficulty ratings earlier on, you allow more time to get comfortable with the material, contact your teacher with any questions, and let the information sink in.

Use a calendar to chart your study plan

Next, write down your study plan in a calendar. Use different colours to write down the date of each of your exams. Now write down the material that you’ll be studying each day as you work backward. Leave a little free room to balance your schedule, so that you’re not doing all of the hardest material on the first day.

And there you have it. As the best CBSE School in Kolkata, we suggest you use these techniques to glide through these examinations. Wish you all the very best for the upcoming exams. We know you will shine with flying colours.

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